Friday, December 7, 2007

New York by Blackberry

Business travel for me means late nights, early mornings and conference rooms in between. Not much, if any, sight seeing. When we lived in Europe I would buy a little disposable camera each trip and take whatever pictures I could hanging out a cab window on my way to said conference room. I would call the photos "London by Cab" or "Zurich by Cab". Now that my BlackBerry (Angie's arch-nemesis in our relationship) has a camera, I took a bunch of pictures in New York this week I call "New York by BlackBerry". Here are a couple.



Laurel said...

I know business travel seems dull and awful to you, but you need to understand, there are day I really want your life!

Hey, and don't lie. You did have a little time for purse shopping.

Laurel said...

And that should read "days." Plural--more than one. The number increases exponentially with the number of children fighting and whining.

Melissa said...

I am jealous. I haven't been on a plane in 9 YEARS!!!! Seriously, I need a boring trip to New York.