Tuesday, December 29, 2009

End of 2009

Where do I start to catch up 2009? Here we go in order from our last post:

Will was a Zebra for Halloween. He was happy, as always, but obviously is too young for candy. That didn't stop his brothers from collecting candy for him--they just didn't share it :)

As holidays approached, Angie made the cutest gingerbread houses with the kids. She even had some of our friends over. She is amazing!!

In early December Chandler ran his first Triathlon with Chris (Chris' second). Chandler was second in the pool, top 10 on the run and did awesome!! He wants to keep doing them with Chris.
On Christmas Eve we have our own weird traditions: big dinner, talent show, nativity, singing carols and of course, desert! We used to mix in bowling and a movie but we've had to spread Christmas Eve over a couple of days. It was too exhausting as it was. Angie's talent this year was making jam for people (last year she compiled a Christmas caroling song book). Jackson and Chandler baked (cake and cookies, respectively), while Chris and Christopher both did stand up routines. There were jokes ranging from knock knock jokes (Christopher) and material about "Mrs. Claus is so lazy" (Chris). Jackson enjoying some dinner:

Will got to be baby Jesus for the Nativity. Chandler was Joseph, Jackson was a wise man and Christopher was a shepherd.

Christmas day brought wonderful presents for all. They all loved opening presents!

This week Will's adoption was finalized in Utah. Here we are with the Judge that approved and finalized the adoption. We are so grateful! It was more of a hearing than either of us knew. We testified, the adoption agency testified and the Judge asked a few questions. In the end we both got a little misty-eyed when the adoption agency and the Judge both said they found it was in Will's best interest to be with us. Here we are with the Judge after the hearing:

Finally the boys got to enjoy playing in the Utah snow. Here is Chandler sledding with a cousin (Hinckley):

Here is Jackson taking a nasty spill:

Here is a link to a youtube video of Christopher taking a big jump:
See you all in 2010!

1 comment:

Erin said...

2009 was a great year for your family! The picture with the judge reminded us our our finalization picture. To keep our boys quiet, the grandma's gave our boys some money to play with. While taking a picture with the judge, the boys were holding up cash; the judge asked us to put it away -- it looked like a bribe. Funny!